We are thrilled to announce that we have officially launched Melbourne Women’s Foundation, formerly known as Melbourne Women’s Fund!
We recently evolved into an independent charity, transitioning from being a subfund within Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation.
Under our new identity, Melbourne Women’s Foundation (ABN 14 666 061 678), our dedication remains unwavering to supporting Melbourne women and families in need by using the power of collective giving.
This shift opens doors to additional revenue streams, such as workplace giving and direct donations from philanthropic entities. It’s a significant step toward sustaining our long-term ability to make an even greater impact.
If you wish to join as a member, renew your membership, or make a donation you can now do so directly through the Melbourne Women’s Foundation website. Because we are a DGR 1, both your membership donation and accompanying administration fee are tax-deductible.
If you have questions, please contact our Executive Officer Liza Nadolski via [email protected] or [email protected]