2022 Signature Grant awardees Tradeswomen Community Foundation provided exclusive insight into the progress of their Remade for Trade economic empowerment program, at the Working Wonders with Women Melbourne Women’s Fund event on August 3rd, 2023.
Remade for Trade is a program that supports women’s pathways to non-traditional trades. To overcome the barriers to employment opportunities and entry for women living with disadvantage or in vulnerable situations.

What has the project achieved so far ?
- Recruited and trained tradeswomen mentors
- Established partnerships with community groups and organised information sessions in Sunshine and Dandenong
- Commenced recruitment advertising campaigns
- Developed workshop training sessions at TAFEs and with employer partners
- Generated a list of potential employers to provide work experience and future employment
Have there been any changes to the project ?
The commencement of the program was slightly delayed due to the additional challenge of finding and, if necessary, training qualified employers in the Local Government Areas we are running the program.
Tradeswomen Australia Group policy means we will only place our candidates with employers offering safe workplaces with equity and equality policies and procedures in place.
So far, the project is increasing awareness in the three LGA’s of secure employment opportunities for our beneficiaries to consider, as opposed to low entitlement, unstable casual work.
Participant feedback
“(The program) has given me a lot already, and now I have my dream apprenticeship to top it off. I can’t begin to tell you how much this means.
I have been trying to get this job for more than two years and have made no progress. You guys gave me so many resources and avenues to follow.”

Read more about the Tradeswomen Community Foundation‘s programs and advocacy work